Tuesday 18 December 2018

6 Benefits of Cloud Storage for Small Business

It is important for a business to seek reliable, flexible, and affordable hosting plans in today’s competitive environment. Cloud is the right platform that they must choose for continuity and availability. The cloud storage for small business allows organizations to benefit in many ways. Users can store, backup, sync, or recover data on demand without the need for major investments and infrastructure. Cloud enables a significant improvement in business performance and gives a boost in cost control for every business whatever their size.
Gain An Edge With Consistent Performance

An enterprise that still uses the traditional hosting and has not considered the cloud will lag in competition with unreliable performance, downtime, and obsolete technology. The cloud is suitable for every business. While the large businesses can use the private cloud and maintain their data and applications in-house, the cloud storage for small business will be the ideal ground for the enterprises where there is unpredictability in visitor traffic and resource needs.

Eliminates Upfront Investments:

Business requirements change as they grow. They are bound to expand, introduce new services, recruit new professionals, and build new applications etc. to achieve their objectives. The traditional hosting requires you to keep adding new hardware and other infrastructure to manage the increasing workload; an organization can save plenty of money and resources using the cloud storage for small business. Cloud also eases up the budget pressures as the investment in infrastructure are very low. The need for IT manpower is also eliminated as the service providers manage and maintain the infrastructure at data centers away from your business location.

Improves Business Collaboration:

Cloud runs on the internet. It can save you plenty of time and money while easing up pressures on your employees. It gives the ability to work from anywhere on any internet-enabled device. Multiple users can update and coordinate work simultaneously. This will not only ensure efficiency but will improve the employee inclination towards their job. The cloud storage for small business enables

Users to access files and applications from anywhere and at any time. You may work while commuting, when on a holiday, or from home.

Employees who are on fieldwork can update their reports without the need to be physically available in office saving time and money on travel

You to hire professional freelance services remotely to work on projects.

The employees to attend to both home and office work.

Your business data increases as your communication with employees, colleagues, clients, suppliers, visitors increase. It will keep growing as a business expands. In the traditional storage, this leads to lot of chaos as well as inefficiency. It will require high investments on storage devices to save and backup data. it can create excessiveness or shortfall.  Cloud eradicates this risk.  Cloud storage India enables users to scale both ways. You can increase the capacity whenever you anticipate high traffic and adjust back to your usual capacity.

Reliable And Flexible:

Cloud ensures business availability. It works as a network and ensures redundancy connecting a business to multiple servers. If one server goes resources are delivered from the other servers in the network maintaining the same speed and lowering risks of downtime.

Efficient Backup And Disaster Recovery Services

Your data is stored in data centers located in remote regions. The complete information is replicated and transmitted to the cloud servers in an encrypted form. It is kept in that form. There is no risk of a client losing their data using the cloud storage for small business.  Even if a disaster strikes at the business location, the website resources are available from the other servers where it is backed up to ensure your online store is available without interruptions.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Top Criteria for Choosing Enterprise Cloud Hosting

Enterprise cloud hosting refers to delivery of cloud computing resources to enterprises. This is different from consumer-driven cloud computing since there are contracts which must be signed between the vendors and businesses. There are many types of services which fall under the category of enterprise cloud hosting and businesses are free to use cloud hosting vendors for acquiring various types of resources. The key benefits of enterprise cloud hosting are related to cloud security and cloud costs.

So, enterprises will take advantage of the high-end security arrangements offered by cloud vendors and they can successfully lower overhead costs by using resources whenever they need them from their providers. So, instead of investing heavily in buying hardware, businesses can get resources as and when they require the. There are well-defined SLAs which must be signed and which categorically state what the cloud vendor will offer to its customers.

How To Find The Right Enterprise Cloud Hosting Providers:

Being able to identify the best enterprise cloud hosting provider requires you to consider some important factors. There are some guidelines which can make this decision making process easier for you.

One of the key factors to consider is that of technical support. Enterprise cloud hosting will offer managed solutions and this implies that IT jobs are going to be divided between the business and the cloud vendor. While the vendor will look after the hardware, operating system and patches, server monitoring etc, the enterprise will look after applications. So, both these departments should be open to working with one another and reaching out to each other in times of emergencies. In short, the provider should have a 24x7 task force to assist clients through emails, phone calls and chats.

When choosing enterprise cloud hosting, you must also ensure the vendor offers you high quality hardware which can guarantee high availability and exceptional performance. So, you should only settle for SSD storage and Intel Xeon processors backed by a hyper-converged infrastructure with self-healing hardware which can guarantee a 100% uptime.

Another huge benefit of enterprise cloud hosting is scalability of resources; so, you must make sure the host can accommodate your requests for additional resources. Moreover, these resources should be billed according to a pricing utility model where you pay as you use.

According to the most recent GDPR rules, businesses can be fined heavily when they fail to comply with standard industry regulations. In other words, you need to identify an enterprise cloud hosting provider which is serious about compliance. So, when focusing on cloud security, you need to first look for a host which can offer you a variety of security measures to protect your sensitive data. It should be able to deploy next-generation firewalls which can offer security for applications against malware, intrusion etc.

You must also verify the quality of control panel the host offers because the more superior this control panel, the easier the administration becomes. So, your provider should be able to offer the two more popular and user-friendly ones in the market, namely Plesk and cPanel.

Migrating on your own to a new data center is a challenge always and it is best to find a provider which can offer you assistance in this. There are challenges of disruption which are caused when you shift legacy apps to a new environment. A capable host will make this process smooth sailing by identifying potential problems before they crop up and ensuring that the move is carried out in a hassle-free manner.

Finally, you must obviously consider the costs before you sign up. You should compare plans offered by different vendors and check for their credibility and online reputation. An expert customer support team will be costly but it is always worth the price.

Friday 2 November 2018

CDN Server Hosting - The Backbone For Quick Transfer Of Web Contents

A CDN server or a Content delivery Network server is that server that hosts a Content Delivery Network. A CDN server is a server that is a part of geographically distributed group of servers. This group of servers work together to provide a speedy delivery of web site contents to the user, who has made a request for that particular web page.

Content Delivery Network ensures the quick transfer of assets, which are needed for loading internet contents over the internet. These may include HTML pages, java script files, images, style sheets, and videos.

Majority of the current global web traffic is dealt with Content Delivery Networks. Traffics from mega sites, such as, Facebook, Netflix and Amazon are also served with Content Delivery Networks.

Popularity of Content Delivery Network services are continuously growing globally. A properly and correctly configured Content Delivery Network also helps in providing protections to web sites, against many of the malicious attacks on them. Cloud cdn server hosting is exclusive effective in providing protections to web sites against the attacks of Distributed Denial of Services or DDoS.

How Does A CDN Server Work? 

The Content Delivery Network server does not host contents. It is not an alternative for a proper web hosting. But a CDN does help in caching contents, at the edge of the network. It is a tremendous help in improving the performance of the web site.

At the center, a CDN is a network of servers. These CDN servers are linked with each other. The objective of these inter linked CDN servers is to deliver web contents, as reliably, cheaply, securely and quickly possible to the user, who made a request for that web page content.

A CDN always places its servers at the exchange points between several different networks, to improve speed of content delivery and connectivity. When a request for a web page content is made by the user, the server nearest to the request maker responds to that request. The CDN copies the pages of a web site to the network of servers and they are dispersed to locations geographically different. It caches the contents of the web page.

The moment a request for a content page is received, the CDN redirects the request to a server in the CDN, which is nearest to the user, from the point of originating site server. The cached content is then delivered to the user who made the request. This is also communicated to the originating CDN server, by the CDN.

CloudOYE provides the best CDN server hosting service, to its customers in the world, at a very affordable price.

Cloud Server Hosting is now at the top of all hosting services options, for the entire business and service community, in all over the world. Cloud server hosting is equally efficient as a dedicated server hosting but is much cheaper in costing. Cloud server hosting is the hosting service option of choice for its exclusive features, which is far superior to the shared hosting service, in terms of security, privacy and performance.

CloudOYE is again one of the best Cloud hosting service providers, in the world, which is providing best of Cloud hosting service to its customers at a very reasonable price.

Saturday 13 October 2018

Why You Should Choose Cheap Windows Dedicated Server?

Windows is a Microsoft owned software and is commercially sold with a license fee. Businesses that require more flexibility than what a shared hosting and VPS hosting offers must look for a hosting provider who has cheap Windows dedicated server plans. Windows server becomes more necessary if their website is built on the ASP.NET technologies. Linux does not support these technologies and can cause performance issues.

The cheap Windows dedicated server does not mean you have to compromise on quality.  The prices of hardware components have come down from what they were a few years back. This has enabled the hosting providers to bring down the server costs.

Difference In Price:

It is mainly due to the license fee that the Windows plans are higher in price than the Linux servers. Linux dedicated server does not carry any license fee. Linux is open source and built using the open source scripts of PHP and MYSQL. While Windows is compatible with all the script languages, so this means even if your website is built using the PHP language script, you can use the Windows servers. Usually, the hosting providers offer cPanel control panel for Linux users and Plesk for the Windows users to manage their accounts.

Root Access:

Dedicated servers give you root access to the servers. You can configure and customize the machine in any manner that suits your business. When you use the Linux OS, you can access via the SSH while in the cheap Windows dedicated server you can access your server via the RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). You can ask for the hardware you prefer and install any software application without worrying about resources.

Complete Resources Assure Of More Reliability And Availability:

When you are on a dedicated server, there is no sharing of resources. The entire RAM, Bandwidth, space, and others are exclusively at your disposal. There is no risk of pages loading slow or server crashing unless there is some technical flaw in components. Usually this issue seldom happens.

When you have a good host, they provide proactive monitoring to the server. The cheap Windows dedicated server is housed in redundant data centers where the technical experts constantly monitor the infrastructure for performance issues. With strong SLAs, they commit to more than 99.95% network uptime and high-speed connectivity.

Access To All Microsoft Technologies

For the license fee that you pay for Windows, you get access to all the Microsoft technologies like Visual Interdev. SharePoint, FrontPage and every other MS Office Services. In addition, Microsoft constantly updates all the applications and you get access to each of them automatically. Risks of security lapse or missing out on an update are minimal.

When choosing your cheap Windows dedicated server host, one very important factor you must look for is the kind of support they offer. It is vital that their technical support team is available around the clock. They must be easily reachable via all communication channels to ensure they can assist you in case you have any server related issues. 

Thursday 23 August 2018

Why a Small Business Must Migrate to Cloud Hosting India?

Cloud hosting India is bringing about significant changes for the small businesses. Many of the small enterprises are realizing the benefits. The cloud technology is a network of interconnected web servers placed in remote data centers globally. It runs on the virtualization technology and is an on-demand service offered via the internet. Here are a few reasons why a small business must consider migrating to the cloud if they have not done so yet.

Lower Costs:

One of the most logical reasons for moving to the cloud hosting India is the significant savings a business can get. Your workloads share the server infrastructure with other businesses. This allows the provider to optimize the hardware infrastructure at the data centers. The costs are split across the numerous clients which means lower costs to each of you.

There is a decrease in the need of rack space, hardware procurement and deployment, power usage, infrastructure maintenance and upgrade. The cloud servers are all located in distant places.

The infrastructure maintenance is done by the cloud hosting providers. The need for technically qualified staff is lessened. In case your business is not IT-concerned, you need not recruit engineers to maintain the servers.

Data Backup and Availability:

Your data is loaded on to the cloud servers in an encrypted form. It is replicated and mirrored across at least two or three servers to make sure it is always available somewhere even there is an outage, disaster or accidental deletion. In case you were not in the cloud, you would have needed more hardware and be prepared with spare hardware to store and keep backup to your data.

More Flexibility and Reliability:

Another important benefit that a business can enjoy with the cloud hosting India service is assurance of being available all the time. Uptime is an important factor in the success of a business. Cloud runs on a network of servers. If one server is down, a business gets its services from the other active servers ensuring of nil downtime and latency.

You may have added a new product and it has become popular. There will be an unexpected surge in traffic and you cannot afford to be unavailable at such times. One amazing feature of the cloud is it is scalable on demand. You can increase the resources when you need and discard them when you don’t. This ensures there is no wastage of resources and you can manage traffic spikes with ease of paying only for the resources you consumed.

Access Independence

Today’s world revolves around mobile technology. With the cloud hosting India, applications can be accessed from anywhere and at any time on an internet enabled device. Employees can choose to work from home, you may employ remote staff, and gain many similar flexibilities.

Managed cloud hosting is a process that combines the cost-effectiveness and scalability of the public cloud with the security and consistency of the private cloud. Unlike the normal cloud feature of pay-as-you-use, the managed cloud is usually a subscription for monthly or yearly contracts.

Friday 10 August 2018

Key Risks of Choosing Cheap Business Cloud Storage!

Cloud storage services in India will offer Indian enterprises the power to access, share and secure sensitive data. The truth is that smaller businesses typically do not have funds or expertise to maintain onsite resources and this is why buying cheap business cloud storage becomes essential. While there are many parties which do question the power of these third party storage providers to keep your data safe from possible hackers and breaches, the fact remains that if you can get reliable but cheap business cloud storage, you should grab it.

What Benefits Can You Get from Cheap Business Cloud Storage?

- When you have decided to sign up with some third party for storage, you will be able to enjoy the power to customize the solutions to best serve your business needs. Even if you get cheap plans, you will be given the power to customize the plan. This is undoubtedly a great advantage over traditional storage systems. Most of the storage system is software based and need minimal investment in hardware, if at all. So, the ability to tweak settings is easier than in an in-house storage system.

- Another key benefit of using cheap business cloud storage solutions is that these are user-friendly solutions. There are convenient “drag and drop” options for transferring files to drives for storing these. Even backup options are easy to use and when installed; these can be performed fast without need for tapes as backups.

- When you have Internet connectivity, you can always access the stored data. So, whether you are using a laptop or smartphone or computer, you will be able to access data.

- Since cloud storage solutions offered by cloud hosting providers are scalable, they are able to grow with your business.

While talking about the many benefits that businesses can enjoy with cheap business cloud storage plans, it also becomes equally necessary to talk about risks of choosing low-cost solutions.

- Perhaps the greatest risk is that the company may even shut down its operations as it is not making enough money to cover costs of offering storage for businesses. Alternately, the company offering storage for low prices may be opting for inferior quality infrastructure to give you discounted plans. Your duty is to identify a provider which has a rock solid reputation and can give you services you require.

- Before you sign up for cheap business cloud storage, you must also inquire about anything which the provider can offer apart from storage and what exactly they will do to your critical data. You may check to see whether you already have cloud storage as part o your hosting packages. For instance, when you use Microsoft Office 365 solutions you are given 1TB storage on OneDrive.

- You need to check whether the system is going to store many versions of a file to help you restore it when needed, after a ransomware attack or an accidental wring edit. You should also inquire about the nature of apps which you will be given to work with the files. While both Dropbox and OneDrive cost the same, you can get full Word, Excel and Power Point versions with OneDrive.

The bottom line is that there is no free ride. So, when you are getting storage options for free or throwaway prices, you should be skeptical. It is likely that the provider will be using your data to facilitate its own interests. Moreover, security for such providers is usually an afterthought. So, it is advisable to choose only providers which have good track records.

Saturday 21 July 2018

How to Pick the Perfect Cheap VPS Hosting Provider in India?


If you find your web pages taking longer than usual to load then it is an indication that you must upgrade your site to a higher hosting platform. You must have started on shared hosting and it would be right if start looking for a cheap VPS hosting provider in India rather than move to feature-rich dedicated server.

VPS is expandable to virtual private server. It is built by splitting a physical server into smaller virtual servers.  Each VPS comes with assured resources, a dedicated IP, and the ability to maintain privacy and seclusion.

VPS continues the system of sharing the server with other websites. The number is not as high as in shared hosting. The features of VPS match that of the dedicated server but without the high costs that the latter has. This is one primary reason for the term “cheap” being tagged to a VPS server.

Features You Require From Your Cheap VPS Hosting Provider in India:

- Uptime: Your business must be available all the time. Visitors reach your server at different times and if it is not available, they will go away to another site. Your provider must guarantee of at least 99.95% network availability.

- Speed: Yet another important requirement for your business. People do not like waiting for your site to load. If it is not fast, they will back out and go to the next available option.

- Security: The servers must be built with firewalls; anti-malware solutions and daily scans must be run to ensure there is no risk of hacker attacks. No customer will want to do transactions with a compromised account.

- Support: Choose a provider who offers 24/7 technical support. They must be available over all forms of communication. You may require some assistance and if they are not available, your business could suffer with under- performance.

Choose the Appropriate Operating System:

Once you have picked up your hosting company, the next factor to decide is which operating system to use. The two choices are Linux and Windows. Linux VPS hosting is less expensive than the Windows servers. Linux is open-source and available freely. Windows, on the other hand, is a commercially sold, Microsoft- owned product that requires users to purchase a license.

However, in your search for the cheap VPS hosting provider in India, be aware that you must choose your operating system wisely and be based on the languages your applications are built. In case your website is constructed on ASP.NET, you must choose the Windows OS as Linux does not support Microsoft technologies. Linux servers are built on scripts like PHP, Perl, Python etc.

The Features and Benefits of VPS:

VPS servers give you plenty of features that can enhance your business performance. Therefore, it is important you pick your cheap VPS hosting provider in India with care.  You get root access and can customize the server in any manner. VPS allows you to host your own applications. It is more reliable and secure than the shared hosting.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

How Managed Colocation Hosting Can Be the Right Choice for SMBs?

You have built or bought a server for your small business. In the initial days, you can manage running it from your business premises. After some days, as the business grows, you have two choices.

1.  To build a full-fledged data center and continue in-house or

2. Move your server to a third-party facility.

The second option is called server colocation and a highly recommended option in today’s competitive business environment. It is a service that enables an organization to store their IT applications and servers at a third-party data center rather than on-premise.

Although there is an option of managing the server on your own, you can also buy the managed colocation hosting. This will relieve the burden of maintaining the server and save your technical experts considerable time on travel.

Avoids Investment in Infrastructure

Maintaining servers in-house will become an expensive affair which you must control. You could use the finances to build up your business with new services and products. On-premise data center will incur investments in power backups, cooling, safety devices, and accessories. You must be redundant with backup equipment to fall back on. All these can run into high figures. Server colocation hosting will eliminate these investments. Your expenditure will be on your server, its maintenance, and the staff to manage it.

In case your business does not require technical experts, you could buy the managed colocation hosting from a reliable provider. This will allow you to focus on your core business while your hosting service will configure and manage the technical functions of the server.

Advantages of Managed Colocation Hosting

Total focus on core business applications
Nil investment in data center infrastructure
Reduced energy bills

What the Managed Services Include:

A problem that can be seen in colocation is finding a provider close to your business. Your technical team must shuttle from your business premises to the data center. You must negotiate with your host for remote hands support. If some major issue crops up, it could have an impact on the site performance until your team reaches there. In managed colocation hosting, your service provider will have their experts monitoring, maintaining and managing the server for you. The services they provide include:

1. Software installation, software updates, hardware deployment, maintenance.

2. OS reinstallation, upgrades, server reboots, configuration changes, etc.

3. network troubleshooting, latency changes, logging errors, server backup, restoration.

4. managing network equipment, configuring and monitoring switches, routers, firewalls.

5. 24/7 server monitoring, daily scanning, deploying firewalls, ensuring maximum uptime and availability.

Managed colocation hosting does not mean your data is not in your control. You are paying for a service where all the digital aspects are handled by your provider. Unlike in web hosting, in colocation, you are the deciding authority. You decide on the server specifications. Ask for any software to be installed that your business requires. You have complete authority to increase the RAM, bandwidth, server space etc. You get 24/7 support over phone, chat, email etc. in case you wish to talk regarding the server.

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Why You Must Buy VPS Hosting India for Your New Business?

There is a tremendous growth in the online business in India. Their hosting requirements is seeing a radical change. Startups and small businesses that once considered shared hosting as a necessity to launch their websites are now preferring the VPS hosting India solutions. They understand the limitations of shared hosting and how it could be a hindrance for their growth.

VPS servers are created by partitioning a physical server into many smaller virtual servers. Each VPS is hosted in separate environments hence the term “private”.

How VPS Is Superior To Shared Hosting:

There is no reason why you must settle for shared hosting when you are getting VPS hosting India plans at almost the same cost and eases many of the performance issues. Shared hosting is a fully-managed service while in VPS you must have technical competency.

Resources: In shared hosting your website shares the server and resources with other websites which raise security and reliability issues. VPS runs on the virtualization technology and although you share the server with other websites, each of you gets dedicated resources.
Privacy: As mentioned, VPS assures of better privacy than the shared hosting as each VPS account is placed in individual compartment. This gives better privacy than in the shared hosting.

IP: In shared hosting, all accounts are provided with one common IP. If one account is barred for some reason, the entire IP is banned and can put your business offline.

Security: The risks of a compromised account spreading and infecting your account is not there in VPS hosting India. Your business is offered protection against hacking activities with strong firewalls, antivirus scans, and other protection measures. You may install your own security software, if you wish.

VPS Matches In Features With The Dedicated Server:

Control:  VPS gives you root access to your server. You can configure and customize it in any manner that benefits your business. You can install your own software which you will have to manage and maintain on your own.

Reliability: VPS hosting India assures of more stability in performance. You have assured resources so the risks of shortage are far lower. Even if one website scales their requirements, your business will continue without any hindrance. You may reboot the server any number of times without disturbing the other businesses.

Support: The best VPS hosting providers offer dedicated technical support around the clock for you to contact them in emergencies for any server related issues.

There are two important factors you must consider when you buy VPS hosting India plans.

Operating System: Linux Or Windows:

Although the features are almost similar, it is recommended you choose Windows servers if your site is built on Microsoft technologies like ASP.NET and MSSQL. You could go in for the more affordable Linux server if your site uses the open source scripts like PHP, Python, Perl or MySQL.

Managed Services: If you do not wish to burden your technical team with the server related matters or if your business is not IT proficient, you could buy the managed hosting services. You can continue with self-managed hosting if you have the time and resources.

Friday 1 June 2018

5 Questions You Must Ask the Cloud Hosting Provider

Cloud service providers are available in plenty.  Choosing the right cloud hosting provider for your organization can become complicated since there is no common plan to access the services. Moreover, the services vary from one to another which adds to the complexity.

Most of the small businesses in India and elsewhere are adopting the public cloud infrastructure in a big way. While you take care of your applications and data that is in the cloud, the cloud hosting India company will manage the infrastructure that is in the cloud environment.

What You Must Consider:

Determining which cloud hosting provider to choose will largely depend upon your individual requirements. Once you know your needs, you will have a better understanding what and where you must look for.  The essential factors that every business needs include

1.  Costs:

Price should never be the only consideration. Looking for free or cheapest services can sometimes require you to compromise on quality. The prices vary and usually are calculated on usage i.e. the pay-as-you-use billing model. It should come with the ability to add more services when required. Providers generally charge on hourly, monthly, half-yearly or yearly basis.

2. Location and Security at Data Centers:

You must know where your data is being stored. It should be under the control and run by the cloud hosting provider you have selected. All your hard work in choosing a service provider will go waste if they host it elsewhere in some third-party facility.
The cloud providers typically offer backup and recovery services to your applications to make sure your website performance is not disturbed if you face some disaster. You must ask them about the measures they have taken if their data center falls prey to some catastrophe.

3. Security:

You must know what type of security strategy the cloud providers offer. Security to your applications will always be an important issue and you should be completely satisfied with their strategies when you pick your service provider. The common aspects that each cloud hosting provider is expected to offer include firewalls, anti-malware solutions, anti-D-DoS protection, multifactor user authentication, data encryption, antivirus scans, and daily security audits.

4. Reliability and Scalability:

Though these are the main traits of the cloud technology, it is necessary for to ensure the cloud provider is flexible in resources. As your business grows, so will your requirements. You may need more space, may need to add new users to your account with new staff recruitments and similar. You should insist on knowing from the cloud hosting provider how much downtime they have had in the past. Downtime for the barest of seconds is acceptable but it should not happen too frequently.
5. SLAs:

Another essential factor that you must deliberate upon. A clear Cloud Service Level Agreements(SLA) is a must to have a mutually benefiting relationship to avoid any legal hassles in future. It is vital that the provider is available 24/7 around the year to answer any queries you may have. Do they have a helpline, are they available over chat, email etc? The SLA must include factors like uptime, response time, capacity, and the guarantee of data safety.

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Cloud Storage India - A Storage Service To Suit Every Storage Needs Of The Users

Cloud Storage Services in India, is an important service for both domestic and official use. The Cloud Storage Services has to be secured and has to be provided online for providing optimum results to its users. Cloud Storage solutions in India, provide the facilities of online data storage for the user, in this country. This stored data on the Cloud Storage can be accessed by the user on multiple computing devices from any location in the world and at any time best suited for the user. These Cloud Storage services in India are cost effective services and provide unlimited Cloud storage to the client to store their applications and data.

About Cloud Storage Service-

Cloud Storage service is a model of service, which is based on Cloud computing technology. Cloud Storage Service stores data on Cloud servers, placed in remote locations in this world. These servers are accessed through the internet service. These servers form a Cloud computing infrastructure. Cloud Storage Service is a managed service and this service is managed, maintained and operated by the Cloud Storage Providers Companies. This Cloud storage service is provided on Storage Servers. These storage servers are built on techniques of virtualisations. Cloud Storage is otherwise called as Utility Storage. This is so because the service is differentiated between real implementation and the delivery of the storage service.

About working procedure of Cloud Storage Service-

The virtualisation of the data centres helps the Cloud Storage to execute its work. Cloud Storage Service provides the applications and the end users, a virtual architecture for storage. This storage service is scalable and can be scaled according to the requirements of the applications. Cloud Storage Service operates through an Application Programming Interface that is based on web sites. This web-based API is remotely implemented via the client’s in-house infrastructure for Cloud Storage applications. This is so done for operations of input and output and read or write.  Cloud storage service provided through a Public Cloud Service Provider is open for general public but this service, when provided through a Private Cloud Service Provider, is having a restricted access.
Cloud Storage India-

There are many Cloud Storage Service providers in India, who are providing Cloud storage service to their clients at a very affordable price, in this country. Most of these Cloud Storage Service Providers provide secure Cloud Storage service. These service providers provide optimum level of privacy, which is a very important factor in secured Cloud Storage service. These Cloud Storage service providers also provide features such as, usability, bandwidth, accessibility, recovery from disasters and cost savings, to their clients.
Business Cloud Storage Services-

Business Cloud Storage Services is used for business operations in business organisations. Business Cloud Storage Services is storage of business data in Cloud Storage service. This service is very frequently used by the employees of the business organisations. Business Cloud Storage Services is a unique solution of storing business data at one safe place, with optimum security and with perfect knowledge of management of user’s accounts.

There are number of business Cloud storage service providers available for providing this service to their clients. These service providers also provide file sharing services to their clients. These services are having optimised security and manageability.

Monday 16 April 2018

How to Choose the Perfect Cloud CDN Provider for Your Business

Choosing the right cloud CDN provider is the key to ensure your business does not have any latency and provide the best user-experience to a visitor. Sometimes, it really becomes a tough job to find the best service suitable to your business. However, it is a necessity for you to invest to get the competitive advantage.

What is CDN?

CDN is an acronym for content delivery network. It is also often referred as content distribution network. It is a network of globally distributed proxy servers that are placed in remote data centers. The basic idea is to ensure that when a visitor requests form some content, it is delivered from the server that is geographically closest to them. By doing this, the content will reach the customer at a speed that is much faster than in normal times enhancing their experience.

How Does It Work:

Your web pages are copied and distributed on the servers so that when there is a request for a page content, it is delivered instantly. You can customize and pick servers that will reach your target audience. This necessitates that you check with the cloud CDN provider about where their servers are placed and how big their network is. Cloud is accessible via the internet. So, the possibilities of you getting visitors from new markets are very high.

Serves Any Type of Content at Amazing Speed:

CDNs have the capability to serve any type of content. It could be text, scripts, graphics, media files, software, documents, online streaming, public networks, portal applications and much more. Online video including mobile video is a part of today’s online business. People want high-quality video that will work well across a variety of devices. This has increased the need of a reliable cloud CDN provider. They can easily provide access to online video and other similar services and help you gain an edge over your competition.

Questions You May Ask the Cloud CDN Provider:

• Scalable: The CDNs are designed to scale naturally. The most significant benefit of the cloud technology is its scalability feature. This is important since your business growth will create new demands and your provider must offer you services as per your needs.

• Security: It is the most debated topic when you talk about the cloud. Your site will be distributed across multiple channels over the internet. So it is vital that your provider must guarantee of encryption, D-Dos mitigation, anti-malware and every other solution that will enhance the security of your information.

• Reliable: What is the SLA they offer? Since 100% availability is not possible what is the commitment they offer. You need a provider that commits to at least 99.95% service availability.

The best cloud CDN provider will offer you around the clock support in case you need any service related assistance. You can customize and change the server locations. Being scalable, new CDNs can be created to manage any sudden rush of traffic to reduce the burden on any one server and prevent risks of server slowing down.

Thursday 15 March 2018

How Cheap Dedicated Servers in India Adds Value and Enhances Performance

Cheap dedicated servers in India come as an ideal upgrade solution for the small businesses that have outgrown the shared hosting. Although it is good to start a business when it is new, shared hosting could put you into deep problems once the traffic to your site increases. There could be frequent server crashing and your website slowing down both of which can have a negative impact on your online business.

Much superior to shared hosting:

In shared hosting, several businesses are hosted on one server and they all share the resources. In contrary, a dedicated server has only one entity occupying the complete machine. The entire resources are with that customer. While shared hosting is the cheapest, dedicated servers are the most expensive form of hosting. Many small growing businesses usually avoid the same because of financial constraints.
However, with the intense competition everywhere, prices have come down making the machines more affordable. Top hosting companies offer cheap dedicated servers in India compromising on quality in any manner. Even otherwise, there are several benefits that make the machine worth the price. 

All the resources are with you:

This is one of the biggest benefits. The practice of sharing of resources with other websites is not seen. Resources like-RAM, space, bandwidth etc are totally with you. This reassures you of stability and risks of website loading slow or crashing frequently is not experienced.

As with every hosting platform, you have a choice of Linux or Windows servers. Although the features and other services are almost similar, the main differences come in the price and a couple of tools. When you are on Windows dedicated server hosting, you are provided with a Plesk control panel. Linux servers come with the cPanel control panel. Windows is a Microsoft product and carries a license fee. The fee is added to the plan costs and hence there is a difference in the price.

Total control:

The machine is with you. This gives you root access to the server. You can configure and customize it in any manner, choose your hardware, install any applications that you find necessary for your business.

Opinions are voiced in some quarters that even VPS hosting gives you root access and works like cheap dedicated servers in India. VPS has several features similar but it still has several other businesses sharing the server and the resources are lower than what you get on a dedicated server.

You have total privacy and security:

You have the authority to decide who gets access to your server. Unlike in shared hosting, you are alone, with no risks of any unwanted intruders. Your Cheap dedicated servers in India provider will strengthen the security of the server with firewalls, anti malware solutions and daily anti-virus scans. They also protect you against every type of online threats like D-DoS attacks.


Proactive monitoring of your servers by the technical experts of your Cheap dedicated servers in India company ensures there are no issues that could hamper a seamless performance.  Technical and customer support is available around the clock.

Thursday 22 February 2018

Managed Cloud Server - The Best Option To Manage Professional Hosting Of A Website

A managed Cloud server hosting is an easy to manage professional hosting of websites. Cloud server hosting is currently the most powerful and fully customized web hosting solution for web developers, web professionals and various business organisations of different sizes. A managed Cloud Server is a fully managed hosting service provided by the Cloud server hosting service providing company. A Cloud server, which is managed is configured and ready to work. It is absolute freedom for the client to customise the material configuration and software of the managed Cloud server to perfectly suit the business needs of the client.
Managed cloud server hosting is the method of business organisations sharing and accessing computing resources. These computing resources include data bases, software and hardware tools. It works across a remote network through a number of servers based in another location.

Servers are purchased in partitions or as Virtual Server in managed cloud hosting. Cost is an important factor in managed cloud server hosting. But even more important factor is its security and its constant availability factors. This service is in absolute contrast to servers acquired on hourly basis. The managed cloud server hosting service is made available to the clients in form of monthly or yearly contracts.
Advantages of Managed Cloud Server

• Managed Cloud server hosting service is constantly and continuously available to its clients. This service is on private cloud structure and it uses effective redundancy through its multiple servers, storage area network and protection of storage to provide trustworthy failover protection.

• Managed Cloud server hosting provide automated balancing of resources and the facility of failover service. It is a consistently available infrastructure. The failover and balancing of resources between hosts of hardware are automatically managed at the level of virtualisation, as it has the capacity to automatically update and manage the software and the hardware.

• Managed Cloud server hosting provides ultimate security to the network. It provides a highly protected environment.

• Managed Cloud Server hosting creates a hybrid of virtual and physical servers. The engines for applications and databases can share a dedicated network with Cloud servers. This results in creation of both physical and virtual servers on the same system.

• Managed Cloud server hosting is as affordable as in a public cloud. The billing is utility based to its clients.

• Managed Cloud server offers same amount of security and provisions to its clients as is offered by a dedicated private cloud, in a most affordable price package. Organisations availing managed cloud server hosting are free to attend to their businesses, instead of minding problems with servers and downtime.
Cloud Server Hosting - a different computing technology from traditional hosting

Cloud server hosting is a computing technology that is driven by internet and is an on-demand service. Cloud Server Hosting is based on the rules of shared storage. This service is as result of processing of all underlying hardware for computing. This service depends on a network of a number of interconnected web servers, in a complex and very wide network, to deliver constant and continuous computing functions to its clients.  Cloud server hosting is a developed version of grid computing. It is a number of different resources for computing performing together to do a common function. Cloud server hosting service is delivered to its clients in a service model as it is very different from traditional models of hosting.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Get the Advantage of Cheap VPS Server Hosting for Your business


Shared hosting is ideal if you are a startup or a business with low traffic. However, you should upgrade yourself to the cheap VPS server hosting once the traffic to your site starts increasing. VPS servers are created by splitting a dedicated server intro several smaller servers. Each unit is placed in individual containers and is given independent resources. VPS is far more affordable than the dedicated server.

Why VPS:

Cheap VPS server hosting fills in the huge gap that is found in between the shared and dedicated hosting. It is the right platform for the businesses that require more services than what a shared platform offers but are not prepared for the dedicated server for various reasons. 

Your VPS host will place your website on a server that is hosting several other websites like in a shared hosting platform however you get the privacy and control that you get on a dedicated server. VPS works out much cheaper than the dedicated server as the server expenses are split among multiple users while in a dedicated server only one entity bears the entire expenditure.
VPS offers enhanced reliability and business continuity:

One primary advantage with the cheap VPS server hosting is that you need not worry about being affected by a bad neighbor. Your site has its independent resources. Even if a neighbor consumes more resources, it will not disturb your website performance. You are given a dedicated IP address which gives you an individual identity and you will not have any issues even if a neighbor indulges in some bad acts. 

 Better control, privacy, and security:

You need not be bothered about the security to your site. Although you share the server, nobody other than who you have authorized can have access to your server space since each account holder websites are placed in individual racks. 

Like with a dedicated server, cheap VPS server hosting gives you root access and control over your area. You can configure it any manner, install your own software applications that the host does not provide. However, for better performance of your site, do not install software that requires high resources. You should maintain the software you have installed. The host will manage and maintain software that comes pre-installed with the server.

Assured performance:

The best cheap VPS server hosting providers do not compromise on quality just to get you the most affordable rates. They offer strong SLA commitments and host your websites in redundant data centers that guarantee of you 99.95% network uptime and carrier neutral facilities. In addition, the best providers extend 24/7 support in case you need any assistance about the servers.
Choice of operating system:

VPS server hosting is offered in both Windows and Linux operating system. Linux is a open-source OS and more affordable than windows. You must buy cheap Windows VPS plans in case your website is built using the Windows technologies of ASP.NET and MSSQL.  Linux does not support these technologies while Windows is compatible to all the major operating systems including Linux, Unix, Mac etc.

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